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Type: Journal article
Title: Graph-based data caching optimization for edge computing
Author: Xia, X.
Chen, F.
He, Q.
Cui, G.
Lai, P.
Abdelrazek, M.
Grundy, J.
Jin, H.
Citation: Future Generation Computer Systems: the international journal of grid computing: theory, methods and applications, 2020; 113:228-239
Publisher: Elsevier
Issue Date: 2020
ISSN: 0167-739X
Statement of
Xiaoyu Xia, Feifei Chen, Qiang He, Guangming Cui, Phu Lai, Mohamed Abdelrazek ... et al.
Abstract: Edge computing has emerged as a new computing paradigm that allows computation and storage resources in the cloud to be distributed to edge servers. Those edge servers are deployed at base stations to provide nearby users with high-quality services. Thus, data caching is extremely important in ensuring low latency for service delivery in the edge computing environment. To minimize the data caching cost and maximize the reduction in service latency, we formulate this Edge Data Caching (EDC) problem as a constrained optimization problem in this paper. We prove the -completeness of this EDC problem and provide an optimal solution named IPEDC to solve this problem based on Integer Programming. Then, we propose an approximation algorithm named AEDC to find approximate solutions with a limited bound. We conduct intensive experiments on a real-world data set and a synthesized data set to evaluate our approaches. Our results demonstrate that IPEDC and AEDC significantly outperform the four representative baseline approaches.
Keywords: Optimization; edge computing; edge data caching
Rights: © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2020.07.016
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Appears in Collections:Computer Science publications

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