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Type: Thesis
Title: Horn Ensembles in Australia: A History, Catalogue of National Repertoire, and Recommendations Towards Sustainable Communities
Author: Gregan, Emma
Issue Date: 2022
School/Discipline: Elder Conservatorium of Music
Abstract: Horn ensembles are a popular and enduring format of music-making for horn players around the world, but their contribution to music appreciation and education in Australian communities remains largely unexplored. This study documents the practice in Australia by profiling local organisations that have operated throughout the last sixty years and cataloguing original repertoire by national composers. Interviews with representatives of Australian horn ensembles and communities reveal the social, educational, and artistic value of these ensembles for horn players across the student, amateur, and professional spectrum. They also expose various organisational challenges faced by community horn organisations, often exacerbated by a lack of access to specialised information and resources. These perspectives, amalgamated with insight into successful international precedents and existing research into healthy community music practices, inform a series of recommendations developed to assist Australian horn communities to build and strengthen their organisations, thereby preserving and perpetuating this practice for horn players in Australia.
Advisor: Dollman, Luke
Goldsworthy, Anna
Dissertation Note: Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, Elder Conservatorium of Music, 2022
Keywords: Horn
French horn
Horn ensemble
Community music
Australian music
Provenance: This electronic version is made publicly available by the University of Adelaide in accordance with its open access policy for student theses. Copyright in this thesis remains with the author. This thesis may incorporate third party material which has been used by the author pursuant to Fair Dealing exceptions. If you are the owner of any included third party copyright material you wish to be removed from this electronic version, please complete the take down form located at:
Appears in Collections:Research Theses

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