Anthropology & Development Studies publications :
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 527
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Sun and Shadow: Art of the Spinifex PeopleCarty, J.; Scholes, L.
2023Remittance usage for rural hometown investing in the Philippines: A mixed methods studyOpiniano, J.; Tan, Y.; Marie Rudd, D.
2023Tā, Vā, and Lā: Re-imagining the geopolitics of the Pacific IslandsKoro, M.; McNeill, H.; Ivarature, H.; Wallis, J.
2023Managing Toxins and Making Water 'Safe': Consumer Buffering Practices in Contexts of Chemo-UncertaintyDrew, G.
2022“Half a flood’s no good”: flooding, viticulture, and hydrosocial terroir in a South Australian wine regionSkinner, W.; Drew, G.; Bardsley, D.K.
2022The 'drive and talk' as ethnographic methodDrew, G.; Skinner, W.; Bardsley, D.K.
2022Unfinished Lives and Multiple DeathsZivkovic, T.M.
2022Recentering the role of marine restoration science to bolster community stewardshipMcafee, D.; Drew, G.; Connell, S.D.
2022On the Commonness of Skin: An Anthropology of Being in a More Than Human World. In: McCallum, D. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of the History of Human Sciences. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore., S.; McCallum, D.
2021Before and Now: Arrkurla nakala, kurunga lyaata-ntamaCarty, J.
2021Global health, tuberculosis and local health campaigns: Reinforcing and reshaping gender and health inequalities in Lihir, Papua New GuineaHemer, S.; Bainton, N.; McDougall, D.; Alexeyeff, K.; Cox, J.
2021Nature can heal itself: Divine encounter, lived experience, and individual interpretations of climatic changeDrew, G.; Haberman, D.L.
2021Djalu's Yidaki: bridge of soundCarty, J.; Petitjean, G.
2021Solving 'wicked problems' in the app co-design processSkuse, A.; Rodger, D.; Wilmore, M.; Humphreys, S.; Dalton, J.; Clifton, V.
2021Slow infrastructures in times of crisis: unworking speed and convenienceBarlow, M.; Drew, G.
2021Water insecurity and patchwork adaptability in Bangalore’s low-income neighbourhoodsDrew, G.; M. G., D.; Jyotishi, A.; Suripeddi, S.
2021Problematizing "planning ahead": a cross-cultural analysis of Vietnamese health and community workers' perspectives on Advance Care DirectivesNguyen, N.; Zivkovic, T.; De Haas, R.; Faulkner, D.
2021Lifelines and end-of-life decision-making: an anthropological analysis of advance care directives in cross-cultural contextsZivkovic, T.M.
2021About face: Relationalities of ageing and dying in Chinese migrant familiesZivkovic, T.M.
2020The tensions between philosophies of education and critical pedagogies in neoliberal higher education: implications for learning and teaching practicesWanner, T.K.; Wanner, S.L.; Jones, A.; Olds, A.; Lisciandro, J.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 527