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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Mycophenolate mofetil is an effective and safe option for the management of systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease: results from the Australian Scleroderma Cohort studyOwen, C.; Ngian, G.; Elford, K.; Moore, O.; Stevens, W.; Nikpour, M.; Rabusa, C.; Proudman, S.; Roddy, J.; Zochling, J.; Hill, C.; Sturgess, A.; Tymms, K.; Youssef, P.; Sahhar, J.
2004Management of mason type-III radial head fractures with a titanium prosthesis, ligament repair, and early mobilizationAshwood, N.; Bain, G.; Unni, R.
2005Sinus node region as an ultimate source driving chronic atrial fibrillationTakahashi, Y.; Sanders, P.; Rotter, M.; Rostock, T.; Haissaguerre, M.
2004Pseudo-fascicular activity originating from the right ventricular outflow tractTakahashi, Y.; Sanders, P.; Ho, S.; Haissaguerre, M.
2010Does access to compensation have an impact on recovery outcomes after injury?O'Donnell, M.; Creamer, M.; McFarlane, A.; Silove, D.; Bryant, R.
2002Prevalence of South Australia's online health seekersBessell, T.; Silagy, C.; Anderson, J.; Hiller, J.; Sansom, L.
2003Pilot study examining the effect of cholesterol lowering on platelet nitric oxide responsiveness and arterial stiffness in subjects with isolated mild hypercholesterolaemiaStepien, J.; Prideaux, R.; Willoughby, S.; Chirkov, Y.; Horowitz, J.
2004Vascular access and all-cause mortality: a propensity score analysisPolkinghorne, K.; McDonald, S.; Atkins, R.; Kerr, P.
2008How will Australian general practitioners respond to an influenza pandemic? A qualitative study of ethical valuesAnikeeva, O.; Braunack-Mayer, A.; Street, J.
2008Folate awareness and the prevalence of neural tube defects in South Australia, 1966-2007Chan, A.; van Essen, P.; Scott, H.; Haan, E.; Sage, L.; Scott, J.; Gill, T.; Nguyen, A.