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Type: Journal article
Title: Making evidence fit for purpose in decision making: a case study of the hospital discharge of older people
Author: Glasby, J.
Walshe, K.
Harvey, G.
Citation: Evidence and Policy: a journal of research, debate and practice , 2007; 3(3):425-437
Publisher: Policy Press
Issue Date: 2007
ISSN: 1744-2656
Statement of
Jon Glasby, Kieran Walshe, Gill Harvey
Abstract: As a conclusion to this special edition, this article explores discussions at the final seminar in the series. Focusing on a case study topic (hospital discharge), participants were provided with six sources of evidence chosen to illustrate six very different approaches to generating valid knowledge. Participants then explored a series of questions about each (including reliability/validity, key limitations and contributions to new knowledge). Overall, none of the sources was felt to offer a definitive insight into the issue at stake. A key challenge, therefore, is to design deliberative processes to synthesise and integrate evidence of different types and from multiple sources.
Keywords: data synthesis
evidence-based policy and practice
research hierarchies
Rights: Copyright status unknown
DOI: 10.1332/174426407781738065
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Nursing publications

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