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Results 31-40 of 103 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Atraumatic Restorative Treatments in Australian Aboriginal Communities: A Cluster-randomized TrialArrow, P.; Piggott, S.; Carter, S.; McPhee, R.; Atkinson, D.; Mackean, T.; Kularatna, S.; Tonmukayakul, U.; Brennan, D.; Nanda, S.; Palmer, D.; Jamieson, L.
2014Self-efficacy and self-rated oral health among pregnant aboriginal Australian womenJamieson, L.; Parker, E.; Roberts-Thomson, K.; Lawrence, H.; Broughton, J.
2014How readable are Australian paediatric oral health education materials?Arora, A.; Lam, A.; Karami, Z.; Do, L.; Harris, M.
2004Job characteristics and the subjective oral health of Australian workersSanders, A.; Spencer, A.
2019Follow-up of an intervention to reduce dental caries in Indigenous Australian children: a secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trialJamieson, L.M.; Smithers, L.G.; Hedges, J.; Aldis, J.; Mills, H.; Kapellas, K.; Lawrence, H.P.; Broughton, J.R.; Ju, X.
2021Do network centrality measures predict dental outcomes of Indigenous children over time?Soares, G.H.; Ribeiro Santiago, P.; Biazevic, M.G.H.; Michel-Crosato, E.; Jamieson, L.
2020Oral Health Inequalities among Indigenous and Non-Indigenous ChildrenHaag, D.; Schuch, H.; Ha, D.; Do, L.; Jamieson, L.
2007Parental perceptions of children's oral health: The Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS)Talekar, B.; Rozier, R.; Slade, G.
2014Oral health-related quality of life of schoolchildren: impact of clinical and psychosocial variablesSchuch, H.; Dos Santos Costa, F.; Torriani, D.; Demarco, F.; Goettems, M.
2009Social and dental status along the life course and oral health impacts in adolescents: a population-based birth cohortGlazer De Anselmo Peres, K.; De Anselmo Peres, M.; Araujo, C.; Menezes, A.; Hallal, P.